Tuesday, July 22, 2008

just a quick post...wanted to add some of the pictures from the end of the school year. It seems like so long ago! I still have more pictures to add to this site, and I promise I'll get to them soon.

For now, though, let's talk about summer! Our summer has been busy so far. Nicholas went to Cub Scout Camp at the American Legion for a week and then the following week, he went to Science Camp at Hobart/William Smith Colleges. He enjoyed both...although they got to make cookies and homemade ice cream at science camp!

Alyssa was supposed to go to gymnastics camp at the YMCA, but they cancelled it. As a matter of fact, I think they are cancelling the whole gymnastics program, which really stinks! Oh well... I guess we won't renew our membership!

Emily has pooped in her potty twice so far! Wouldn't it be great if she trained herself completely before the end of summer?!?

Stay tuned...I'll add more in a week or so!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I just wanted to post some of the pictures I took of the kids at Melissa and Ben's wedding. I know they are NOTHING in comparison to the pictures the photographer took, but what can I say?
The first few are of the girls. Alyssa really looked like a princess in her BEAUTIFUL gown!

These are ones of Nicholas...one with his dad, one with Blake and the other as the handsome dude posing in his tux!
Later this afternoon, I'll add some of Alyssa's graduation and Nicholas's end of the year school show!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

hey all!! june was such a busy month...alyssa turned 5, we had my cousin's wedding in boston nicholas and alyssa were in the wedding), nicholas had his end of school shows and alyssa graduated from pre-school.
to add to all of this, my mom's been sick and hasn't worked since mid-june. she gave us quite a scare - the doctors were talking all sorts of things. she ended up having her appendix out, but the real cause of the pain/discomfort - according to the good ol docs at GGH - was some scar tissue left over from her kidney operation years ago. go figure!
then, this past weekend, john and emily were in a little fender-bender. luckily, no-one was hurt...the story in itself is actually quite humorous. this guy hit john from behind at a stop light near the ramada here in town. he hit him 3 times - yes three!! that's not even the funny part! they pulled into the ramada parking lot to check for damage and exchange information. the guy apparently got nervous - or something - and instead of putting the car into park, put it into reverse and hit the front of our car - ARE YOU READY FOR THIS ONE??? - 4 more times. Yes, that's right - i said FOUR! long story short - john's driving a rental!!

anyways, i'm going to try to post some of my pictures from all of these crazy events in june, but in the mean time, i wanted to send you all this link:
it's the link from the photographer at my cousin's wedding. the pictures are just really awesome! there are some great shots of alyssa in there - almost makes me think about having her get into modeling or acting. i mean, i know i may be a little biased, but the pictures of her are really great.
hope everyone is doing well. check back in a week or so to see some of the pictures i've downloaded from my own camera...


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Preschool Class...on the grass!
Alyssa and Sarah
Alex, Kelsey and Alyssa
How ice cream is made...
The class on the pier

ALYSSA'S PRESCHOOL CLASS WENT ON A FIELD TRIP TO LONG PIER ICE CREAM YESTERDAY. She's lucky enough to have James Mirras in her class, who happens to be so nice that he invited the whole class to visit his ice cream stand and get FREE ice cream!
It was really a nice day, yesterday, too! The sun was shining bright and it was pretty warm. The wind was blowing a little, but it was a warm wind. Luckily, Emily and I got to go for ice cream, too! Of course, I didn't have any...I just ate the leftovers from Alyssa's and Emily's!
Mrs. Mirras brought everyone into the shop and showed them the different ice cream machines and how the different kinds of ice cream were made.

It was a great field trip for the kids! Check out the next posting for a bunch more pics from the trip to the ice cream stand!


Monday, June 02, 2008

We went for a walk to "The Lady in the Fountain" over the weekend...Nicholas, Alyssa, Lauren and Alex rode their bikes while I pushed Emily in the stroller. The weather was beautiful, depsite the call for thunderstorms.

The kids took their socks and shoes off and I let them put their feet in the water...even though there was a sign that said "NO SWIMMING" and Nicholas was afraid that we were "breaking the law". I assured him that they would not get arrested...

What a great day we had...it ended up with Alex and Alyssa's friend Hailey spending the night. Daddy cooked burgers and dogs on the grill and Amy came over with the Taylor and Parker, too.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

"You know, I'm the luckiest guy in the world, right now".
This is what my husband said to me last night when we were sitting on the front porch. Emily was sleeping inside, and both Nicholas ans Alyssa had a friend sleep over so they were all inside watching tv. We cooked hamburgs and hot dogs out on the grill and there were about 8 kids here in total. Our house was full of laughter and love - and it was GREAT! When John said that to me, I realized, too, how lucky we were! Hopefully, this is one of many more nights to come like this over the summer!


Well, spring has been a busy time for us at the Comatis house! Nicholas and Alyssa are both involved with the ball program at the YMCA. Nicholas plays "Coach-Pitch" and is an awesome hitter, while Alyssa plays T-Ball. They have games every Saturday morning...which means we spend 2 hours at the Little League Field every week!

Nicholas has earned his "Tiger" badge with John as his leader in Cub Scouts this year. He marched in the Memorial Day Parade last week, and we are so proud of him! Next year, he will be working towards his Wolf Badge.
Emily isn't too involved in things yet, although she LOVES trying to keep up with the other 2 kids! She usually goes to their practices and loves to run around at their games. She really loves to play Star Wars with Nicholas and she likes to go down the slide in Lauren's yard. It's hard to believe that she is almost 2 already!
I'll write again this week...I'm trying to get all caugh up with everything that has been going on in our lives! Just keep checking the site regularly for updates!

Monday, May 05, 2008

One of the things I help with at Nicholas' school is a function called "family fun night". The children get to rollerskate for an hour and then there are crafts, games and activities for them to take part in. We also have pizza, soda, cookies, etc. and at the end of the night, we do a huge raffle for numerous gift baskets. The kids really love the event, and it is great seeing them participte with their friends and families. Here is Alyssa, Nicholas and I don't know who...skating away. This is what made me decide for sure to book Nicholas' birthday party at the Roller Drome!
Great job, Alyssa!!!


Nicholas is in Cub Scouts, and he absolutely LOVES it! John is his Den Leader, which is pretty cool, too. Last month, they visited the Geneva Free Library and The Finger Lakes Radio Group. This month, they are going to the Fire Department, and then they are pretty much done for the school year. He will go to a day camp in July, which he loved last year!


Here's a couple of pictures from Nicholas' birthday party this year:

Nicholas's Seventh Birthday Party...

We had Nicholas's birthday party at the Geneva Roller Drome this year. We invited his whole class, plus a few extras! What a riot it was, watching all the kids skate. Some of them were REALLY good, and others could barely let go of the wall. I thought about joining them on the skates, but then I thought better of it. I figured I needed to be able to move the following day!